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Take a sneak peak at Shanghaiist.com


We haven’t officially launched yet — we are currently in what they call “soft launch” or “beta” mode — but I think Shanghaiist.com is starting to look pretty damn good. So, go ahead, take a look. This is your invitation.

We’re still working out some kinks, and all of our features haven’t been added yet and most of our contributors still haven’t contributed anything. But there’s enough there for you to click around in. Let us know what you think. And feel free to leave some comments on the site.

Also, don’t forget to sign up for Consumating and 43 Things. And you Flickr users can start tagging your photos “shanghaiist” — when our photo page is live, you’ll see your photos there.

Finally, Shanghaiist is still looking for some dedicated posters who know Shanghai well. If you’d like to join our team, send us a non-boring email.

Now, get on over to Shanghaiist.

06.22.2005, 1:23 PM · Site News · Comments (4)