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I am leaving China!

(And then I am coming back!)

I fly to New York City on Sunday for a stateside trip I wasn’t really planning until a couple weeks ago. That’s when I learned that the return flight on a ticket I own — the first leg of which I used last May on my way back to Shanghai from Brian and Jill’s wedding — expires on May 8. So, I’m using it … on May 8.

The timing of the trip works out quite well, actually. In New York, I can meet with my literary agent face-to-face and hopefully get things moving on my book project. And, later in May, Dave, Lani and Sam will be in Pennsylvania — so prepare yourselves for many more photos of my nephew.

Other than that, I don’t have much planned. I’ll need to buy a ticket to get back to Shanghai — the cheaper the better — and I was thinking about trying to find a travel agent in New York’s Chinatown (any suggestions?). Maybe I’ll buy a new computer, seeing how my iBook’s hard drive appears to be fried again. Maybe I’ll help my dad sell his house — half of which is in my name — so I can actually afford a new computer. And maybe, while I’m home, the Yankees will actually win a game.

I’ll be spending most of my U.S. time in Bloomsburg, Pa., but I also plan on visiting New York, D.C. and maybe either Pittsburgh or Philadelphia. If you live any of those places and would like to get together — or buy me a new computer — drop me a line.

05.06.2005, 3:15 PM · Site News · Comments (5)