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Shanghai —> Beijing —> Yunnan —> Shanghai

Ever since The Trip, I’ve been getting a lot of emails looking for advice on traveling in China (which reminds me … I need to respond to some of those). Now, I’d like to turn the tables and get some advice from my readers. I get back from Honolulu on February 16. And then, on February 20, these freaks — Brian and Jill — fly into Shanghai from the Dirty South (Atlanta, not Guangzhou). They’ve got a little less than two weeks in China, and we have decided to fly all over the place. Here is a look at our itinerary:

Feb. 20-22: Shanghai
Feb. 23-25: Beijing
Feb. 26-Mar. 4: Yunnan
Mar. 5: Back to ATL

My questions to you are:

Thanks in advance for your help. You can either leave you comments down below for everyone to see or, if you are shy, you can email me privately at dan @ danwashburn.com.

Also, let me know if you happen to be where we plan to be. Maybe we can get together.

See you on the road … again.

[My apologies to Rick Lacey, whoever you are. It’s late and your book cover was the only image I could find to go with this post. And yes, I am aware that an “RV Adventure Across America” has very little to do with a plane trip through China. As I said, it’s late. Sue me. Wait … don’t sue me.]

02.03.2005, 7:25 PM · Travel · Comments (11)