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The coldest looking sport in the world

Also: I am a bad Pennsylvanian

As some of you may know, I’m in Honolulu now. The forecast for Sunday is 80 degrees and sunny. Perfect beach weather, right? Nope. Not today. Today, between the hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. I will be seated in front of a television set. And I will be loving every minute of it.

This is a great time to visit America for NFL fans who happen to live in China. The division championships. Atlanta vs. Philadelphia. New England vs. Pittsburgh. Winners advance to the Super Bowl. And I get to watch both games live. I know it sounds ridiculous, but other than meeting my nephew and visiting with family, the prospect of watching NFL games live was the thing that excited me most about coming to Hawaii. Well, OK — the weather’s a draw, too. It’s nice to go “home” without freezing your ass off.

Speaking of home — and freezing your ass off — thanks to FOX and CBS, I’ll get to spend six hours in Pennsylvania tomorrow … and the only thing cold will be the beer in my right hand. They are expecting a foot of snow before kickoff in Philly. The high temperature Sunday in Pittsburgh is expected to be 17 — with wind gusts of 30 miles per hour. And I, if I get sick of the commercials, can walk barefoot out onto my brother’s porch and see the Pacific Ocean.

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01.23.2005, 7:03 PM · Sports · Comments (6)