I am no longer updating shanghaidiaries.com. Please visit my new personal blog at danwashburn.com. Update your RSS readers!

The Trip: Why the hell should you give me money?

Dan answers the questions of a reader confused by the PayPal button in the upper-right-hand corner of this webpage …

So what exactly is The Trip?

For approximately four months, starting July 19, I will travel across China. From the road, I will try to update this website with words and images as often as possible, hopefully daily. (I’m bringing along a geekload of gadgets to ensure I stay as connected as humanly possible.)

This will be real-time writing, a travel essay for the internet age. Neither writer nor reader know what will happen next. It’s going to be an adventure — and I want as many people to tag along as possible.

For more information, go here: trip.shanghaidiaries.com.

OK. That’s all well and good, but it still kind of sounds like you are just delaying joining the rest of us in the real world. Why should I give you money? Why should I help support your life of leisure?

I don’t expect you to give me money.

Continue reading

07.18.2004, 4:21 PM · The Trip · Comments (6)