Photos: Hangzhou, Jesuits and Jazz
Marco Polo called it paradise, but I haven’t had much luck with Hangzhou. Not Hangzhou’s fault, really. It’s the rain. I’ve been to Hangzhou twice and it has rained both times, paradise shrouded in gray. But much of what I have seen through the mist I have liked. And what I saw Saturday made me glad that Hangzhou will be the first stop on The Trip, when it finally starts in the middle of this month.
I met up with my former student Arthur on Saturday. I’ll be staying with his family while in Hangzhou during The Trip. I told him about the relationship between rain and my visits to his hometown. He paused, thoughfully, and then responded:
“Very much like Wimbledon, I think.”
For my rain-soaked photos of Hangzhou, click here.

While in Hangzhou, I missed the American Chamber’s Fourth of July party, which for some reason was on July 3. But, to honor my country on the Fourth, I did have the American Breakfast at Rendezvous Cafe and I did enjoy some jazz — America’s music — at the House of Jazz and Blues. (In between, I visited Shanghai’s 98-year-old St. Inatius Cathedral which, I know, is not very American. But it was built by Jesuits. And, as we all know, Georgetown University is a Jesuit school. And where is Georgetown? Bingo! My nation’s capital.)
For photos of the cathedral — and more — click here.

And, to follow A.J. Khaw in his quest to play in every jazz club in Shanghai in just two weeks, click here.

07.05.2004, 11:53 PM · Photos
I was in Hangzhou about a week ago.Some nice sites, and the lake was pretty cool. My fiance nearly had a heat stroke after 2 days of non stop sight seeing there. Wish it was raining while we were there. We are currently in shanghai till Saturday, July 10.