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“Have your good time, Mr. Sadam”

yesterday was my last day of teaching at shanghai university. forever. and, right now, that’s all i have to say about that.

i will leave you with the transcript from a mid-term skit two of my students performed for me monday, five weeks after it was due. no, the dialogue has nothing to do with what the assignment was actually about. yes, the students received very bad grades for their efforts.

but i thought it was fittingly bizarre. enjoy.

Bush: My name is George Bush which is called as stupid Bush by many people in private. But it’s a fact that I’m the most powerful man in the world. One of the evidence is that I have beaten another most powerful man. His name is Sadam. Oh look! He is coming now!

Sadam: Nice to meet you,Mr president!

Bush: It’s also my honor to meet you,Mr president!

Sadam: No,No!I’m no longer a president,just a captive of you!

Bush: Oh, you are so modesty! As we all know, you are always the president in the mind of the Iraqi.

Sadam: Perhaps it’s just like you are the hero in the mind of people all around the world.

Bush: Oh,it’s a overpraise for me.It seems that we are men of the same style despite the consideration of success or failure.

Sadam: But you are the winner and I’m the loser.

Bush: It’s the main difference.Are you satisfied with your life in prison?

Sadam: It’s not bad.They offer me some free time.They even allowed me to watch the tv news about US soldiers abusing Iraqi captives.

Bush: Oh, I’m sorry about that they actually let you watch so tough news.But I can make a promise that you won;t get the abuse such like the other Iraqi captives.

Sadam: Another problem is that can i meet my familys and friends because I feel so lonely?

Bush: Of course. Sooner or later you will meet our old friend Bin Laden.MAybe he’ll be your neighbour.At that time you won’t feel lonely.

Sadam: It sounds not b ad.It seems that all I can do is wait for the moment.

Bush: I won’t let you wait too much time.Ok, The conversation is enough. Mr Laden is also waiting for me although I don’t know where he is now.
Have your good time, Mr Sadam.

Sadam: Please take care of your health,Mr president.

Bush: See you.

Sadam: See you.

05.27.2004, 1:47 AM · Humor, Politics, School