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in america

greetings from the apple store at the lenox mall in atlanta, georgia. i’m in the states for a very important wedding (not mine) and will be back in china may 10.

it was wednesday morning and light outside in shanghai when i left. it was wednesday evening and light outside in atlanta when i arrived. and i got to spend 26 hours in taxis, airports, airplanes and rental cars in between.

first stop after i arrived should probably have been a bed, but instead it was a bar: trivia night at the local on ponce de leon. so, in that spirit, i offer a multiple choice question for you:

Q: it took dan less than an hour to realize what he has missed most about america. what was it?

a. diversity
b. old drinking buddies
c. good beer
d. laid back bars
e. barbecue sandwiches
f. breasts
g. all of the above

oh gee, i wonder what the answer is.

i’ll check back soon. picking up mom at the airport in a couple hours. then driving deeper into the southland for the wedding.

bye, y’all.

04.29.2004, 11:29 AM · Georgia 2004 · Comments (5)