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i love china. honest, i really do.

combine an irresistible urge to procrastinate and an oncoming stream of sarcasm, and you get another issue of china news. good for you, of questionable benefit for me. but china news is all about the readers, the masses of you that are surely out there.

to get things started, the most laughably obvious statement of this edition: China admits it can do more to combat piracy (straitstimes.com)

a couple more rather pressing issues that china still considers to be less important than making plans for shenzhou reloaded and shenzhou revolutions:
China’s bad loan disposal worries Moody’s (ft.com)
Epidemic threatens to devastate China’s economy (globeandmail.com)

the CCP, being the pr darling that is has always been, throws yet another tantrum over taiwan’s latest outrage: a visit to the states combined with formalizing diplomatic relations with that international political giant kiribati (where exactly is this?). quick, see if you can jump to conclusions about taiwan’s clear moves towards independence as fast as china has.

winning this edition’s “most ballsy foreigners” award, read this story to learn how to very effectively use history to step on china’s toes. read this story to learn how to very effectively step on hong kong’s toes after trying the same thing before and nearly getting hk’s top communist bureaucrat torn to shreds by over half a million angry protestors.

like cabbage? the chinese used to. see how this ap writer managed to get a story published on the historical significance of chinese cabbage:
China’s appeal for cabbage withering (news.yahoo.com)

DISCLAIMER: the views expressed by the news editor do not necessarily reflect those of the shanghai diaries … but they probably do. no, the news editor is not dan. yes, the news editor is sometimes bitterly cynical. deal with it.

11.08.2003, 10:11 AM · News