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photo: shannon shue
click here for photos from xinjiang. they’re not all from me this time. five jarring days on the back of a horse didn’t agree with my digital camera. actually not even two days did. my camera now rattles when i shake it. thankfully, several other cameras also made the trip. and sometimes i was even allowed to borrow them. the photos end after page 27. more could still be added.

(if you care, my camera is currently in the shop right now. this explains the dearth of new photos here recently.)

later this week, i will begin posting my xinjiang travelog. i plan to do this day-by-day, diary style. lots of stories to tell. xinjiang is — um, well — different.

11.03.2003, 12:51 AM · Photos, Xinjiang


  1. it seemed that your trip to xinjiang was so wonderful from the photos you took there.well,most photos of narural scenery were taken by dan,also many native people.all were good i think.i guess the travel was so fantastic.it never occurred to me that xinjiang was so beautiful though i am a chinese,you have your own view on xinjiang,and you brought them to me,you are so nice people.do you like xinjiang?but i don’t like the food there,on the market,all the wild animal,i feel sick.what about you?the people there are nice?i guess so,from the photos,i can see their smiles.dan, your skill of taking photos is good i think.