muslims, raisins and knives … oh my!

yes, i’m back from xinjiang. yes, it was a great trip. yes, i will write about it soon. yes, i will post photos soon, too.
but i’m suffering from a cold and a slow internet connection. i hope to have both problems remedied by mid-week.
until then, please enjoy this sampling of photos i culled from the hundreds i still need to sort all the way through.
oh, if you were wondering, the name “good cheap tent” only proved to be two-thirds correct.
10.14.2003, 12:29 AM · Photos, Xinjiang · Comments (2)
qualifications: being white, a certain whiteness, having white parents, etc.
UPDATE: click here to see photos from the shoot!
now you can finally say you know someone who was in a chinese bus commercial. i’m the, um, white guy. don’t blink, though. most of my brilliant moments were left on the editing room floor. click here to watch the the entire 60-second television ad. (you will need quicktime to views this .mov file.)
10.14.2003, 12:12 AM · Observations, Video · Comments (1)