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fountain power

This lady is going to keep her arm raised until you write a caption for this photo! Don’t make her suffer — click on the comments link below and let your creativity flow.

05.29.2003, 8:53 AM · Humor, Photos


  1. xian sheng! xian sheng! DVD! DVD! CD.. VCD… sexy DVD! Right here.. cheap!

  2. What would you do for a Klondike bar?

  3. fuck communism!

  4. Isn’t this how John Travolta did The Hustle in Saturday Night Fever? Anyone?

  5. “who wants to play in the fountain?”

    “me!” *raises hand*

  6. I…..am…… a fountain!!!

  7. landing on earth!

  8. Since we don’t have deodorant, this ought to keep the mosquitos away.

  9. John Lennon say “Power to the People” and I say “Power to the People” too. Go away now, Yankee dog.